"Kimberly Docherty looks like Rashida Jones"


"Liz Loth looks like Anne Hathaway"

"Arthur Grimm looks like Kevin Jonas"

"Mr. Gardner looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt"

"Mr. Gardner looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt... all 500 days of the summer."

"Martin McCann looks like John Francis Daley"

"Martin McCann looks like John Francis Daley, aka Dr. Lance Sweets from Bones."

"Anthony Maza looks like Aladdin"

"Tom Lawlor looks like Jimmy Fallon"

"Mr. Mohun looks like George Clooney"

"Father's Day Edition: George Mohun's dad looks like George Clooney"

"Jack Shuth looks like Tom Hanks"

"Sara Smillie looks like Angie Harmon"

"Sebastian Lemmon looks like Austin Butler"

"Kateri Lemmon looks like Keira Knightley"

"Patrick Cross looks like Nate Ruess"

"Patrick Cross totally looks like Nate Ruess from Fun!"

"Valerie Schippers looks like Keri Russell"

"Rebecca Bessette looks like Uma Thurman"

"Gracie Brennan looks like Gwyneth Paltrow"

"Steve Six looks like Sylvester Stalone"

"Steve Six looks like Sylvester Stalone in Rocky"

"Mr. Finley looks like Seth Meyers"

"Mr. Finley looks like Seth Meyers from Saturday Night Live."

"Mr. Finley looks like Ben Stiller"

"Mr. Dragoo looks like Jim Carrey"

"Mr. Dragoo kind of reminds me of Jim Carrey..."

"Andrew Carey looks like Captain America"

"Margaret Smillie looks like Selena Gomez"

"Margaret Smillie was a little too convincing as Selena Gomez at the Halloween Dance"

"Alec Mac looks like Christian Bale."

"Alec Mac is like Sampson - better with hair. He also looks like Christian Bale."

"Sarah Rivera looks like Mila Kunis"